Public relations materials for Diphra offerings are varied; often they present a unique perspective on one or more of the books. Many are produced by Diphra and are distributed to a variety of outlets and sites. As print versions are issued, additional promotional material is issued by the press for release to the media and retail booksellers. All are available here for anyone to examine. They are downloadable should you wish to have a copy.

General Interest Publicity Materials

Little J and Roger Publicity Materials

Julian’s Private Scrapbook Publicity Materials

Julian’s Sophomore Year Publicity Materials

FREE E-books.

Inside Eldot’s World—a literary gazetteer [15.7 MB]
This unabridged 174 page book is filled with inside information about both series, some exclusive. Profusely illustrated, interactive PDF format.

The Tucson Travel Log. Read all about Eldot’s first book signing tour, at the Tucson Festival of Books. Profusely illustrated, low resolution and high resolution versions in Word .DOC and Adobe .PDF formats.

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